COTIDIANA app (5) COTIDIANA system (1) clinical validation (2) commercialisation (1) development (2) digital endpoints (2) dissemination (2) end-users (4) feasibility pilot (1) internship (1) policy (1) review (1) scoping review (2) smartphone data (1) students (1) testing (1) trials (1)

 COTIDIANA app (5)

Feasibility pilot with patients started
COTIDIANA in Forum de Apoio ao Doente Reumático
Data collections with patients started
COTIDIANA is presented to policy makers
COTIDIANA undergoes usability tests

 COTIDIANA system (1)

COTIDIANA excels in supervisory board review

 clinical validation (2)

Research from COTIDIANA received award
COTIDIANA is innovating towards clinically validated digital endpoints

 commercialisation (1)

COTIDIANA excels in supervisory board review

 development (2)

COTIDIANA welcomes internship students
Data collections with patients started

 digital endpoints (2)

Research from COTIDIANA received award
COTIDIANA is innovating towards clinically validated digital endpoints

 dissemination (2)

COTIDIANA in Forum de Apoio ao Doente Reumático
COTIDIANA is presented to policy makers

 end-users (4)

Feasibility pilot with patients started
COTIDIANA in Forum de Apoio ao Doente Reumático
Data collections with patients started
COTIDIANA undergoes usability tests

 feasibility pilot (1)

Feasibility pilot with patients started

 internship (1)

COTIDIANA welcomes internship students

 policy (1)

COTIDIANA is presented to policy makers

 review (1)

COTIDIANA excels in supervisory board review

 scoping review (2)

Research from COTIDIANA received award
COTIDIANA is innovating towards clinically validated digital endpoints

 smartphone data (1)

COTIDIANA welcomes internship students

 students (1)

COTIDIANA welcomes internship students

 testing (1)

COTIDIANA undergoes usability tests

 trials (1)

Feasibility pilot with patients started